Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Symptom of Menopause - Thinning hair on head, increase in facial hair

One of the most common symptoms in menopausal ane even some perimenopausal women is an increase in facial hair growth and later on, thinning of the hair on their scalp. Both of these are caused by the decrease in estrogen levels that occur and are only cosmetic inconveniences.

Treatments: There are currently no treatments, however, preventative medications like Women's Rogaine can be used to keep the hair that you do have. There are also many methods of removing unwanted facial hair, ranging from at home solutions like shaving, tweezing, waxing, depilatory creams, sugaring, threading, and epilation. Those who are seeking a more permanent solution may want to look into electrolysis or laser hair removal. Vaniqa is a cream approved by the FDA in the last year which slows down the growth of facial hair.

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