Monday, July 31, 2006

Symptom of Menopause - Loss of Bladder Control

Here's one symptom of menopause that many people don't think of.  We usually associate loss of bladder control with aging, however it is also common (and temporary) during the beginning of menopause.  What happens is that like all other menopause symptoms, loss of bladder control is associated with a drop in estrogen.  Estrogen is a key part of keeping pelvic muscles healthy and strong.  When estrogen levels drop, the pelvic muscles may loose tone and strength, leading to leakage.

Avoid leakage by strengthening your pelvic floor muscles with kegel exercises.  Try to avoid eating or drinking before bedtime to eliminate the strain on weakened muscles.  Do not hold in your urine, use the bathroom at regular intervals.  Also you'll want to combat this at the hormone level too, treatments such as HRT and diets high in soy may  help eliminate the loss of bladder control.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever considered a kegel exercise product like the one at ikegelpro

Just wondering your thoughts?